Are Workers’ Comp Benefits Taxable Income?
Workers’ compensation benefits are not considered taxable income at the federal, state, and local levels. Workers’ comp benefits are non-taxable insurance settlements. While a worker...
How Do Personal Injury Lawyers Get Paid?
Personal injury lawyers make money by winning personal injury cases in court or by settling personal injury case out of court. For the majority of...
What Is A Motorcycle Crash Bar?
Motorcycle crash bars are hoop-shaped bars mounted on the frame of the bike that can help protect riders in certain types of motorcycle accidents by keeping the...
Can You Sue A Nurse For Medical Malpractice?
Nurses, like doctors, can be found liable for improperly treating a patient. Yes, a nurse can be sued for medical malpractice if it can be proven that...
Are Car Accidents Civil Or Criminal?
Car accidents are usually civil incidents, however, there are several ways in which an accident can escalate and become a criminal offense. Hit-and-Run When a driver...
Can A Car Accident Cause Epilepsy?
A car accident can cause epilepsy. One of the most frequent causes of epilepsy and seizure disorders is a traumatic brain injury. The initial injury can be mild,...
Can Child Support Be Garnished From Workers’ Compensation?
In the state of New York, child support can be garnished from workers’ compensation. New York State court takes into account many sources of money...
When Do Most Construction Accidents Happen?
Construction is one of the most dangerous occupations. More than workers of other industries, construction workers experience fatal and non-fatal injuries from accidents that require...
Can A Car Accident Cause Carpal Tunnel?
A car accident can cause carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel is a painful disorder that affects the wrist and hand. Bones and other tissues in a...
Can You Get Fibromyalgia From A Car Accident?
Physical or emotional trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been linked to fibromyalgia, reports the Mayo Clinic. This means a car accident can trigger...