
National Safety Month

June is National Safety Month, and our team at The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., want to do our part in sharing resources and information to help our clients and communities stay healthy, happy, and safe. As it does each year, the National Safety Council designates each week in June with a specific safety topic. This year’s […]


New York looked much different in 1885 than it does today. A year when the (still copper) Statute of Liberty first arrived in New York Harbor and long before skyscrapers shaped the City we know and love, New York’s tallest building was Wall Street’s Trinity Church, which at the top of its spire measured 281 […]

lost wages

Personal injury cases are matters of civil law, and specifically a type of “tort,” which means it’s a legal action arising from a wrongful act (often negligence) that results in liability. The purpose of any personal injury case, whether it’s resolved as a claim filed with an insurance company or a lawsuit filed in civil […]

Construction Industry Sees Rise in Fatal Elevator Accidents

Known for its high-rise apartments and skyscrapers, New York City sees its fair share of elevator-related accidents involving the general public, as well as accidents involving workers who use elevators in the course of performing job-related duties. According to a new statistical analysis, workers in the construction industry are injured and killed more frequently in […]

Autism Awareness Month

April 2nd is World Autism Day, a United Nations’ designated day of observance which kicks off an entire month dedicated to spreading awareness, promoting education, and gathering support for Autism Spectrum Disorder. The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., is proud to continue our support for these great initiatives, and help spread the word! World Autism Awareness Day / […]

drug test report

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that can be invaluable for people who suffer injuries or illnesses which arise from performing job-related duties. Although workers’ comp can provide coverage for medical treatment and supplementary lost wages, regardless of who’s at fault, there are situations where injured workers may face barriers to recovering the benefits they […]

construction hat lying on ground amidst construction debris

An appeals court in Manhattan said a trial was unnecessary to decide if the parties who operated a construction project were responsible for the injuries and losses a carpenter incurred when he was shocked by electricity on the job. The result is a significant victory for our client, and was handled by Firm Founder David […]

New York Buildings

Officials from New York City’s Department of Buildings have approved demolition of JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s Manhattan headquarters. Demo of the looming 700+ foot, 52-floor high rise at 270 Park Avenue will be the world’s tallest intentional building demolition in history, according to Construction Dive. Completed in 1961, the glass metal high rise was for nearly […]


On the heels of the longest partial shutdown of the federal government in U.S. history, labor advocates are voicing more significant, systemic concerns regarding regulatory oversight of workplace safety in the current administration. Those concerns are especially prominent in New York, where statistics have shown a dramatic increase in workplace deaths, and NYC’s most dangerous year for construction […]


New York City has enjoyed a considerable building boom in recent years. In fact, a recent report from the New York Building Congress shows spending on construction projects in NYC reached an estimated $61.5 billion in 2018 – a record high and a 25% in construction-related spending over the previous year. The most dramatic increases were seen […]